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Refugee Services

Refugee Health Promotion

  • Provide Refugee Health Screenings (RHS-15s) to all new arrivals.

  • These screenings identify symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD, the most common mental health conditions in refugees.

  • These screenings have to be completed within the first year for all refugees, parolees, or asylum-seekers who are 14 years old or older.

  • For those who screen positive on the assessment, free therapy services are offered to them.


Community Health Workers

  • Community Health Workers are refugee community members who support refugees by connecting them to community resources and enhance acculturation. 

  • KY STEPS provides CHW is the Afghan and Congolese communities.  


Supporting Transition of Afghans into Resettlement (STAR) Grant

  • ​Helps Afghans and their family members who were directly exposed to combat trauma.

  • Community health workers who speak Pashto and Dari are available.

  • Can provide individual, family, and group therapy.

  • Referrals to medical, transportation, education, and housing services for a holistic approach.



  • A mental wellness literacy group and cultural orientation group consisting of 10 sessions.

  • Topics include: Parenting in the U.S., Domestic Violence / Intimate Partner Violence, substance use, the mind-body connection, acculturation stress, trauma and how it impacts the body, and nutrition.-Those who attend 7/10 sessions will get a $50 gift card.

  • Contact the agency for the next class schedule.


Trainings and Consultations

  • Offered to mental health professionals and others working in the human services industry

  • Trauma-Informed care

  • Cultural Competence

  • Working with Refugees

  • Cognitive Based Therapy in Schools (CBITS)

  • Mental Health

  • Refugee Simulation


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