2815 Russellville Rd.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: 270-938-1020
Fax: 270-938-1018
Email: kysteps@gmail.com
Our Mission

Mission Statement
Through service, we seek to provide treatment, opportunities, and access to individuals and families to live and thrive happily in their respective communities of choice.
KY STEPS uses a person-in-environment approach to assist those in need of support. Our highly-trained and experienced associates offer a unique understanding of individuals dealing with mental health, intellectual or developmental disabilities, and other issues. They are equipped to address diverse mental health issues in both culturally and linguistically responsive ways. We are known for using research to inform practice and practice to inform research.

Our Vision
KY STEPs is a place where the individuals and families we serve expect to:
Receive the BEST services of their choice with dignity and respect.
Be connected to the BEST supportive services.
Be equipped with the BEST tools to enhance their quality of life.